Thе project started in 2008 and is currently running in the Soil Data Center of the Soil Science Department of M.V.Lomonosov Moscow State University.
The Soil Data Center was founded at the Soil Science Department of M.V.Lomonosov Moscow State University in March 2016 to coordinate work on inventory of digitized soil information, applications of soil data storing, maintaining and exchanging technologies in scientific and educational processes as well as the algorithmization of their use.
The main mission of the Soil Data Center of Moscow State University is the maintenance and development of the «Information system Soil-geographic database of Russia» (ISSGDB).

Sergey A. Shoba
Corresponding Member of RAS
One of the main problems facing Russian soil scientists is the creation of a scientific and technical basis for a state strategy for rational land use.
The soil–geographical database of Russia is able to become a state tool for regulating the use and protection of soils and land resources, solving the national tasks of inventorying and formalizing soil data, contributing to regulation of land management and soil protection policies, participating in monitoring the condition of soil cover and land resources evaluation.