International activity
The main objective of the international cooperation of the Soil Data Center is to coordinate efforts to develop high resolution accurate global soil information system and to integrate it with other global earth probing systems.
The researches of the Soil Data Center actively participate in workshops organized by the Eurasian Centre for Food Security of Moscow State University, the Soil Science Department of M.V.Lomonosov Moscow State University with the support of the Global Soil Partnership.
The working meeting for the creation of the International Network of Soil Data Centers was held in Moscow in September 2017. Scientists from Russian, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova and Tajikistan were represented at the meeting.

Practical scientific seminar for the establishment and operation of national and regional Soil Data Centers was organized in April 2018 for the CIS countries partners (Moldova, Uzbekistan).
The training seminar named «Practical issues of creation and development of the Eurasian Soil Information System» was held in June 2018 on the basis of Kyrgyz National Agrarian University named after K.I.Skryabin. The seminar was attended by representatives of scientific, research-and-production, educational and public organizations of Kyrgyzstan.
A special area of activity of the Soil Data Center is the work in the framework of the joint project between Russia and ASEAN. The aim of the project is experience sharing, progress of expert systems for accounting and evaluation of land resources, their rational use and management decision-making, adaptation of developed software products to the needs of ASEAN countries
The first international seminar named «Development of expert systems based on large-scale soil and geographical databases» was held at the the Soil Science Department of M.V.Lomonosov Moscow State University and the Soil Data Center in May 2018. The seminar was attended by staff of the Department of land development of Thailand and the Department of agricultural research of Myanmar.Russia was represented by researchers of Moscow State University and Agrochemical Service Centers of Russian Agricultural Ministry.