First International Workshop of project «Development of expert systems based on large-scale soil-geographic databases»
May 27, 2018
From 14 to 18 of May the Soil Science Faculty of Lomonosov Moscow State University and Soil Data Center held the First International Workshop within ASEAN-Russia joint project «Development of expert systems based on large-scale soil-geographic databases».
The project objectives are the exchange of experience, the promotion of expert systems for the inventory and evaluation of land resources for sustainable land management, the adaptation of devised software to the needs of ASEAN states.
The Workshop was attended by representatives of Russia (researchers from Lomonosov Moscow State University and experts from federal state centres of Agrochemical Service of Ministry of Agriculture of Russia), employees of the Department of Land Development of Thailand and employees of the Department of Agricultural Research of Myanmar.
Workshop participants discussed the prospects for the exchange of soil information in the international network of national soil centres, as well as issues related to methods of collection, storage and harmonization of soil data.
Particular attention was paid to the possibilities of practical application of the Soil-Geographic Database of Russia for the decision of the regional tasks. The second workshop is planning to hold in Thailand in December 2018.